What To Do When Your Pet Snake’s Shedding Skin

Shed happens. It’s a natural part of a snake’s life, but it can be a bit alarming if you’re not prepared for it. When your pet snake sheds its skin, there are a few things you need to do to help them out.

First, make sure your snake has access to a humid environment. This will help them shed their skin more easily. You can do this by misting their enclosure with water or placing a damp towel inside.

Next, check your snake’s skin for any stuck shed. If there is any, you can gently remove it with a pair of tweezers. Be careful not to pull too hard, as this could damage your snake’s skin.

Finally, keep an eye on your snake after they have shed. Make sure they are eating and drinking normally, and that their skin is not red or irritated. If you notice any problems, contact your veterinarian.

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