The strange reason cats sleep with their eyes open explained

In the ethereal realm of slumber, where boundaries blur and secrets unfold, there lies a feline enigma: cats with eyes wide open. While humans surrender to the embrace of darkness, closing their eyes as a prelude to surrender, cats challenge the conventions of sleep. Their gaze, half-veiled yet piercing, dances upon the twilight shadows, leaving observers with a lingering sense of curiosity.

Scientists have endeavored to elucidate this peculiar behavior, uncovering a symphony of reasons underlying the open-eyed slumber of cats. While deep sleep calls for closed eyelids, a lighter state of rest allows for stolen glimpses of the world. Thus, cats maintain a delicate balance, simultaneously indulging in reverie and remaining vigilant to their surroundings.

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Crating your cat at night: Is it a good idea?

Nighttime cat care can be a dilemma. Do you let your feline friend roam freely, potentially getting into mischief or, worse, danger, or do you confine them to a crate for their safety and peace of mind? For centuries, cat owners have grappled with this question.

Some experts argue that crating cats at night can provide them with a sense of security and comfort, especially if they are anxious or prone to wandering. Others, however, believe that it can be cruel and restrictive, depriving cats of their natural instincts and freedom of movement.

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