For thousands of years, cats have curled up in laps. While this behavior can be purr-fectly pleasing, it begs the question: “Whiskers, why do you do it?” Science has delved into this curious cat behavior, uncovering a symphony of reasons.
From comfort to communication, laps offer a haven and a channel. The rhythmic rise and fall of your breath mimics the gentle rumble of a nursing mother’s purr, providing a sense of security. Body heat exchanges, a reciprocal glow in the cold. Plus, lap-sitting serves as a strategic perch, an elevated vantage point for your feline to survey their kingdom.
But it’s not just physical benefits that draw cats to laps. Cats are social creatures, and lap-sitting is a way to connect with their humans. By curling up on your knees, they share their warmth, vibration, and presence, creating a purr-fect bond that speaks volumes without a single meow.
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